Old man who inspired me

As I was walking in the morning to take a bus to my office,I noticed an Old man. He was holding his cycle and was moving slowly. He stopped the cycle. That was when I saw a bunch of newspapers on his cycle stand.
He seemed to be very old, was very very weak. He was nothing but a small and thin skeletal structure wrapped in a dhothi. He trembled and walked as he went on to deliver the papers at the doorsteps of those on the street. It was with great struggle that he moved his cycle again and carried on.........
I was impressed by this guy who was doing a job to earn his income at this terrific state ...without looking for others help.
Before I started that day,I was cribbing to go to office (as it was a Monday morning)...But thought shouldn't do cribbing after seeing this inspiring old man.


timepass said...

Great to read such a post. We have so much to learn from our elders, this post signifies that, isn't it..

Anonymous said...

A great post to get inspired by myself too.

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